Teachers' Training on School and Home Gardens Project cum Biodiversity Enhancement and Environmentally Friendly Landscaping in Busuanga Island

Date: TBA | Venue: SEARCA, Philippines
(By invitation only)

The replication of the School-plus-Home Gardens Project (SHGP) has been identified as one major activity for collaboration between SEARCA and Kansas State University (KSU) in Busuanga Island, Palawan. As an initial activity, SEARCA and KSU will conduct the teacher's training in Busuanga Island as a platform to educate, exchange knowledge, experiences, and create awareness that shall strengthen the implementation of an SHGP. It is believed that one of the fastest and most efficient way of disseminating information and influencing values to the people is by equipping teachers as the channels of knowledge and values formation. Along with this objective is to change people's perspectives about promoting biodiversity at home level to encourage a new paradigm of landscaping that allow local species to thrive. At the school level, a mindset of entrepreneurship will be initiated such as deriving income from tourism and from selling vegetables produced. With this, the concept of school and home garden will be transformed into a school and home garden biodiversity enterprise (SHGBE).