This opportunity is available to citizens of SEAMEO member countries, namely: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam, to advance their education and contribute to agricultural development in the region.
Deadline for Applications: 30 September 2024
Online application portal:
The DAAD-SEARCA In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme Southeast Asia for AY 2025-2026 is now accepting applications.
The submission deadline for applications is on 18 October 2024.
The SEARCA SFRT offers a grant of up to USD 15,000 for research/training.
The SFRT provides chosen research and training project proposals with limited start-up funds to enhance chances of securing long-term support from donor agencies. This is also in line with SEARCA's thrust of promoting, undertaking, and coordinating research programs relevant to accelerating transformation through agricultural innovation (ATTAIN) of the region.
Submission period: 1 September-31 October 2024
Envisioning itself as becoming a leading enabler and champion of excellence in agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia, SEARCA will establish the Consortium for Agricultural Development, Research, and Extension in Southeast Asia or CADRE. CADRE, as the word implies, will be a network of high-caliber, like-minded institutions with a unified goal of driving agricultural transformation toward sustainable and inclusive development in Southeast Asia.
Future-proofing SEA agrifood systems, building resilient communities showcased in new studies
New research articles published in the June 2024 issue of AJAD take a peek at initiatives and the grassroots in Southeast Asia as they respond to previous food and economic shocks and their aftermath. The common themes of the seven papers in the AJAD volume 21.1 release hover around ensuring food security, future-proofing farming, creating resilient food value chains, good agricultural practices adoption, agrifood digitalization, withstanding food disruptions, building food-resilient households and communities, and sustainability of rural development.
In July 2020, SEARCA embarked on its five-year (2020-2025) mission, which focuses on Accelerating Transformation Through Agricultural INnovation (ATTAIN) and aims to deliver BETTER, BIGGER, and SMARTER impacts and outcomes to agricultural and rural development stakeholders across Southeast Asia.
SEARCA works to elevate the quality of life of agricultural families through sustainable and resilient livelihoods and access to modern networks and innovative markets.
SEARCA established the PhD Research Scholarship on November 2005 to provide financial support for qualified PhD students to conduct research and produce their dissertation relevant to the priority thrusts of SEARCA.
DAAD's partnership with SEARCA started in school year 1975-1976 through a support to the Center's graduate scholarship program leading to Masters and PhD degrees in agriculture.
The Agropolis Fondation (AF) of France and SEARCA offers a co-funded doctoral fellowship under the call for "Innovative Co-Learning for Agriculture-Based Solutions." The program aims to support innovative, cross-sectoral, and interdisciplinary training or learning projects that promote agro-ecological transition through innovative approaches, tools, teams, and networks.
This is a collaborative project between Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo NODAI) and SEARCA. The Dissertation Doctorate Program for Agriculture and Natural Resources aims to contribute to the enhancement of agricultural research and development in Southeast Asia through the provision of a Tokyo NODAI-SEARCA scholarship for eligible candidates to be able to complete a doctorate dissertation.
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) will award a matching scholarship in the form of full fee waiver (2 years for Master and 3 years for PhD) to every one full scholarship from SEARCA for qualified nationals from the eleven member countries of SEAMEO who will pursue their Masters or PhD degrees at UPM.
This partnership started in 2018 with Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) in Malaysia, Agropolis Fondation (AF) in France, and SEARCA, aimed to strengthen and promote scientific cooperation and knowledge sharing between Southeast Asia and France on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
This partnership between Sejong University in Seoul, South Korea and SEARCA aims to increase the capacities of Southeast Asian scientists/researchers through the provision of a Joint Graduate Research Scholarship that will enable them to obtain MS/PhD degrees in the fields of Integrated Biological Sciences and Industry (e.g., Plant Breeding and Genetics), Bioresource Engineering (e.g., Plant pathology, QTL mapping, Tissue culture).
This is a partnership between the Master Program in Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science (Global ATGS) of the National Taiwan University (NTU) and SEARCA. The joint scholarship program aims to cultivate agricultural professional talents, encourage academic excellence, and promote research and development of agriculture within Southeast Asia.
The partnership between the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) and SEARCA aims to strengthen MARDI's pool of professionals for research and development by providing scholarship grants to qualified MARDI officers to complete graduate degrees.
This partnership between Bulacan State University (BulSU) and SEARCA aims to strengthen the capacity of BulSU by providing an opportunity for selected BulSU faculty and staff to earn their doctorate degree in international universities in the fields of Agriculture, Environmental Science, and other disciplines relevant to the thrust of both SEARCA and BulSU.
The Nagoya University-SEARCA Joint PhD Research Scholarship in Agriculture is offered to Filipinos and Cambodians who wish to pursue their PhD degree at the NU Satellite Campus based at the Graduate School of UPLB, and at the NU Satellite Campus for Bio-agricultural Sciences based at the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) in Phnom Penh.
This is a project between the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) and SEARCA which aims to strengthen PCC's pool of professionals by providing scholarship grants to qualified PCC officers and regular staff to complete graduate degrees from selected centers of excellence in the Philippines, USA, Canada and Australia.
The SFRT is envisaged to provide chosen research and training project proposals with limited start-up funds intended to enhance chances of securing long-term support from donor agencies. A grant of up to USD 15,000 shall be awarded as seed fund for research/training.
SEARCA GRAINS offers short-term starter funds to collaborative actions aimed at transformative innovations for more sustainable agriculture and rural development across Southeast Asia.
SEARCA will provide travel grants of up to a maximum of USD 1,200 to each qualified agriculture and agriculture-related professional, social scientist, or graduate student in Southeast Asia.
Since AY 2012-2013, the SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair Grant has recognized the contribution of institutions and individuals in the fields of agriculture and related sciences, thereby contributing to ARD in Southeast Asia through instruction, research, innovation, and extension work.
Initiated by SEARCA, the University Consortium (UC) was seen as a viable approach to pursuing agricultural human resource development in Southeast Asia by linking top agricultural universities in the region to facilitate free exchange of information, facilities, and expertise.
The Program aims to provide assistance by upgrading the BS degree of agriculture graduates and qualified scholarship applicants from the transition economies of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Timor-Leste to enable them to qualify for admission to the Graduate School of reputable universities in Southeast Asia and even outside the region.
The SEARCA Faculty and Student Mobility Grant enables recipients to conduct their research work or take courses for credit in selected Southeast Asian universities, be exposed to new technologies and receive training from world-class academicians.
January–February 2025
27 January–18 May 2025
SEARCA has a well-earned reputation and extensive track record in end-to-end project management – from conceptualization and proposal writing to implementation and monitoring – for both local and international development and donor organizations.
SEARCA puts forward the relevance of disseminating agricultural research findings to its stakeholders.