SEARCA-ASRF and Forest Research Institute of Myanmar develop proposal to assess Marketable NTFPs in Agro-ecological Zones

  • 11 August 2017

Ms. Amy Lecciones, ASRF Regional Program Coordinator, discussing the preparations for the Pilot testing of the ASRF Project Development Toolkit and the Gap analysis validation. (7 August 2017)

YEZIN, MYANMAR. The Forest Research Institute (FRI) of Myanmar developed a proposal to assess marketable Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in various agro-ecological zones of Myanmar during the pilot-testing of the Project Development Toolkit on 8-10 August 2017. The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)-ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry (AWG-SF) Strategic Response Fund [ASRF] program management unit developed the toolkit to assist ASEAN Member States (AMS) in developing strategic proposals that respond to emerging issues on food insecurity, poverty, and climate change.

Participants of the workshop came from institutions and organizations involved in social forestry in Myanmar such as FRI, Center for People and Forest (RECOFTC), Myanmar Environmental Rehabilitation-Conservation (MERN), Forest Department, Extension Division, and leaders of community forestry. Dr. Ei Ei Hlaing of FRI facilitated the workshop.

The proposed project was crafted as a result of the validation of gap analysis at the level of the AWG-SF Plan of Action, and at the level of the national agenda presented by SEARCA team, led by Ms. Amy Lecciones.

Dr. Thaung Naing Oo, AWG-SF Leader of Myanmar, highlighted the importance of NTFP research in advancing social forestry in Myanmar. The proposed project is in-line with the priorities of the national government and will become the baseline for the development of NTFP industry in various agro-ecological zones. Further, the result of the proposed project can serve as recommendation for policy makers. (Xyrus Godfrey B. Capiña)

Participants to the Pilot testing of the ASRF Project Development Toolkit and validation of Gap Analysis of Myanmar on Social Forestry (8 August 2017).

Dr. Ei Ei Hlaing facilitating the workshop (8 August 2017).