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Man behind SEARCA’s CSR initiative for COVID-19 is 2020/2021 SEAMEO Service Awardee

  • By Nathan P. Felix
  • 28 June 2021

Mr. Gaspar L. de Chavez, Recipient of the 2020/2021 SEAMEO Service Award, receives his cash prize from Dr. Glenn B. Gregorio, SEARCA Director.Mr. Gaspar L. de Chavez, Recipient of the 2020/2021 SEAMEO Service Award, receives his cash prize from Dr. Glenn B. Gregorio, SEARCA Director.

Mr. Gaspar L. de Chavez, Carpenter, General Services Unit of SEARCA, is one of the recipients of the 2020/2021 Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Service Awards (SSA) held in a virtual award ceremony on 8 June 2021.

The SEAMEO Service Award is given “to staff members of the SEAMEO Units who demonstrate exceptionally high level of achievement in work performance, innovation, and creativity, professionalism, and commitment that contribute to the success of the Organization's mission and goals.”

Dr. Ethel Agnes P. Valenzuela, SEAMES Director, giving her welcoming remarks to the 26 SEAMEO Service Awardees, 8 June 2021 via Zoom.Dr. Ethel Agnes P. Valenzuela, SEAMES Director, giving her welcoming remarks to the 26 SEAMEO Service Awardees, 8 June 2021 via Zoom.

Dr. Ethel Agnes P. Valenzuela, SEAMEO Secretariat (SEAMES) Director, opened the awarding ceremony by emphasizing the importance of the SEAMEO Service Awards program in strengthening the relations among its members.

“Over the years, this SEAMEO Service Awards program has provided excellent avenue for SEAMEO to give due importance and recognition to the values and work ethics of the SEAMEO staff members and officials. The program has also provided the SEAMEO family an opportunity to share experiences and best practices in promoting organizational health while performing our respective roles and responsibilities,” she added.

Mr. de Chavez started serving the Center in 1996. He is the 13th SEARCA staff to be given the SEAMEO Service Award.

His dedication to work greatly aligns with the Center’s strategic intent of promoting innovation in agricultural and rural development. SEARCA’s SEAMEO Service Awardee was the man behind the pedal-controlled faucets fabricated for the Los Baños community. This project was the Center’s CSR initiative in time of the health crisis.

Mr. de Chavez during his acceptance speech expressing his sincerest gratitude to both SEAMEO and SEARCA.Mr. de Chavez during his acceptance speech expressing his sincerest gratitude to both SEAMEO and SEARCA.

In his acceptance speech, Mr. de Chavez expressed his sincerest appreciation to SEARCA and SEAMEO for this once in a lifetime opportunity.

“I’m truly grateful for this recognition that I’ve received for my work because I’m very sure that every other nominee for this award was as capable if not more of winning this award. Thank you to Dr. Glenn Gregorio and Prof. Joselito Florendo. I also thank Sir Raymond Celecio and Sir Arjay Fuentes for trusting my capabilities in work ethics,” said Mr. de Chavez.

Mr. de Chavez (center), Dr. Gregorio (right), Mr. Joselito G. Florendo (left), SEARCA Deputy Director for Administration, along with Mr. Arjay B. Fuentes (second from left), Unit Head, and Mr. Raymond R. Celecio (second from right), General Services Administrator, both from GSU.Mr. de Chavez (center), Dr. Gregorio (right), Mr. Joselito G. Florendo (left), SEARCA Deputy Director for Administration, along with Mr. Arjay B. Fuentes (second from left), Unit Head, and Mr. Raymond R. Celecio (second from right), General Services Administrator, both from GSU.