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Latest AJAD issue available online

  • 2 February 2017

The Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) is published twice a year, in June and December. AJAD an international refereed journal, provides information and analysis on topics within the broad scope of inclusive and sustainable agriculture and rural development. It publishes articles resulting from empirical, policy-oriented, or institutional development studies, as well as articles of perspectives on agriculture and development; political economy of rural development; and trade issues.

AJAD 13.2 book coverAJAD 13.2 book coverThe latest issue (Volume 13, No. 2) features six articles and a book review that delved on the following topics: an inclusive business model for coffee development in Timur, Indonesia; effects of ecologically-based rodent management to yield and income in Mekong River Delta, Vietnam; enabling environment for inclusive agribusiness in Southeast Asia; changes in the bioeconomics of lobster and mud crab mariculture in Vietnam; consumer preference of table banana quality and its effect on pricing in the Philippines; analysis of seasonal migration to cope with poverty in a drought-prone village in India; and a book review on the changing paradigms of farming in China's peasant agriculture and rural society.


Guidelines for Submission of Articles

Only Original Materials. The Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) publishes original materials only. In cases of related previous publications, a statement on the originality of the article submitted is required in the cover letter of the submission. Articles submitted for review must differ substantially from other work by the same author or group of co-authors. A submission published previously in similar form—in whole or in part—or with substantially similar content is not eligible.

Submission of an article implies the author’s commitment to publish in AJAD. Since the selection process requires a great deal of voluntary effort on the part of the referees, simultaneous submission of an article to other publications is unacceptable.

Review. The article is sent to at least two referees with expertise on the subject. Manuscripts are reviewed for their clarity of purpose and relevance, timeliness, and overall opinion of its worthiness for publication.

Length of Articles. The length of each article must not exceed 8,000 words, typed double-spaced on A4-size paper in Microsoft Word.

Article Content. The contents for research articles are arranged as follows: title of article (maximum of 12 words); author’s complete name, affiliation, and address (omit social titles); abstract (maximum of 200 words); keywords (following JEL classification); main text; acknowledgment; references; tables; and figures.

Artwork, Tables, and Figures. Each table and figure must be on a separate sheet of paper, numbered in order, and placed at the end of the article. Use a font size of not smaller than 9 for tables. Original artwork for figures must be included in the submission. Photos, scanned or digital, must be of high resolution (minimum of 300 dpi).

Measurements. Express all measurements using the International System of Units (SI). Avoid using national units (e.g., cavan, rai, chupa). When other monetary units are used, the US dollar equivalent must be provided.

Abbreviations. Spell out all abbreviations when first used in the manuscript.

References. All references should be cited following the Chicago Manual of Style (16th Edition), author-date format.

Submission. For your article to be processed, please submit using AJAD's online submission form found in


There are no page charges in AJAD so publication is free of charge and we will send you two print copies of the issue your article appears in.



Electronic copies are available and freely downloadable online. For print copies, individual subscription is USD 20 (PHP equivalent is based on conversion rate of invoice date); Institutional subscription is USD 40. These prices are exclusive of mailing cost.


To know more about AJAD and read the latest issue, please visit