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SEARCA Online Learning and Virtual Engagement (SOLVE) Webinar Series

Highlighting Actions that Realize SEARCA's Vision on ARD: The SEARCA Online Learning and Virtual Engagements (SOLVE)

With the intent of effectively reaching out to relevant stakeholders, SEARCA embarks into new modalities and technology-mediated platforms of interactions. On 28 April 2020, it launched the SEARCA Online Learning and Virtual Engagements (SOLVE) that particularly highlights concrete and practical actions being implemented on the ground as a way to disseminate and promote these to a wider audience. Ultimately, as a leading enabler and champion of excellence in ARD in Southeast Asia, SEARCA now further consolidates its efforts in making sure that all the necessary actions will indeed directly reach and significantly benefit the farmers and farming families.

SOLVE provides an avenue of knowledge sharing on concrete innovative actions on the ground along SEARCA's 11th Five-Year Plan via technology-mediated platforms (Facebook, Zoom, etc.) for various stakeholders of Southeast Asian agriculture.

Priority Topics

Past Webinars

24 Jun 2020

9th Webinar: SOLVE Emerging Diseases through EcoHealth/One Health-based Research and Policy

Speakers: Dr. Michele de Garine-Wichatitsky; Dr. Aurelie Binot; and Dr. Ronnie D. Domingo
17 Jun 2020

8th Webinar: SOLVE Emerging Diseases through EcoHealth/One Health Approach

Speakers: Dr. Serge Morand; Dr. Panomsak Promburom; Dr. Flavie Goutard; and Dr. Vicente Y. Belizario, Jr.
10 Jun 2020

7th Webinar: SOLVE Food and Nutrition Insecurity through Open Systems Agricultural Mechanization

Speakers: Mr. Horace Clemmons; Mr. Lyhour Hin; Dr. Victor A. Rodulfo, Jr.; and Mr. Ramon Uy
3 Jun 2020

6th Webinar: SOLVE Food and Nutrition Insecurity through Sustainable Agriculture Intensification

Speakers: Dr. Vara Prasad; Dr. Manny Reyes; Ms. Ngang Channaty; and Mr. Saren Ry
27 May 2020

5th Webinar: SOLVE Food Insecurity in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: Championing School-plus-Home Gardens

Speakers: Ms. Michelle Samia; Mr. Lamberto C. Perolina; Dr. Pedcris M. Orencio; and Dr. Blesilda M. Calub
20 May 2020

4th Webinar: SOLVE Food Insecurity in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: School-plus-Home Gardens (S+HG), the way to go

Speakers: Dr. Glenn B. Gregorio; Hon. Leonor M. Briones; and Ms. Soledad S. Villanueva
28 Apr 2020

1st (Launching of SOLVE): Food Insecurity in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic

Speakers: Hon. William D. Dar; Dr. Glenn B. Gregorio; and Mr. Garry A. Hidalgo
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Articulating a Vision of Agricultural and Rural Development (ARD) in Southeast Asia

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) aims to be a leading enabler and champion of excellence in agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia. In the next five years, SEARCA's mission is to elevate the quality of life of agricultural families through sustainable livelihoods and access to modern networks and innovative markets. To do this, SEARCA commits to BIGGER, BETTER and SMARTER outcomes and impact on agriculture industry and its stakeholders by delivering better services through more context-relevant and valuable services to even more beneficiaries in more effective and efficient ways. This commitment follows transformational change from traditional palliative activities to new innovative practices. The "new normal" conditions in Southeast Asia compels SEARCA and all of its key partners to initiate a paradigm shift to deliver greater impact on the lives of the primary stakeholders—the farmers and farming families.


The main objective of the Webinar Series is to provide an avenue of knowledge sharing on concrete innovative actions on the ground along SEARCA's 11th Five-Year Plan via technology-mediated platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) that would directly benefit farmers and farming families.

Specifically, it aims to:

  1. Hold a seminar where practitioners in agricultural and rural development innovations are invited to speak and share their experience;
  2. Encourage participation of farmers and sharing on farming technologies in a seminar that increases their awareness on such technologies and innovations that have been implemented on the ground;
  3. Build up a community of practitioners (CoPs) on ARD innovations in Southeast Asia

Activity Design

The SEARCA Online Learning and Virtual Engagements (SOLVE) will be done using technology-mediated platform like Zoom.

The session could be broadcast live, and the copy of the seminar will also be posted in several social media platforms of SEARCA. Massive promotion of the videos will be done by SEARCA within the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

All sessions will run for 45 mins to 1 hour, or depending on the availability of the speakers. Speakers are requested 10-13 slides, and around 15 minutes to present his/her talk. It will then be followed by an open forum.

Participants will be strongly encouraged to send questions, and contact the speakers for further discussion.

It will feature experienced practitioners who are adept about the actual implementation of a specific technology and innovation related to agricultural and rural development (ARD).

Interested in SOLVE?

SEARCA is keen to partner with government institutions, corporations, universities, civic organizations and individuals who see the potential in SOLVE and would like to explore hosting a session or series of sessions, to serve as a resource speaker or to simply suggest the next SOLVE topic.

Interested parties may contact Ms. Kim Bantayan at .