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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Banana Homogenate, Coconut Water, Peptone, and Auxins as Nutrient Supplements in the In Viro of Dendrobium and Phalaenopsis Ovules.

(Philippines), Doctor of Philosophy (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:


The study was conducted to determine the proper nutrient supplements to an inorganic medium for the satisfactory germination and development of orchid embryo or ovule cultures. Banana homogenate of the Bungulan variety, coconut water from mature green factors, peptone, different levels of sucrose and their interactions with growth regulator, naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and inolde butyric acid (IBA) were used in the experiments, with Knudson C medium as the basal inorganic agent. Evaluation was based on the height, number of leaves, number of roots, root length, fresh weight per plant, and to a certain extent, population density.

                Results showed that for Phalaenopsos ovule cultures, the best supplements were the coconut water-NAA and coconut water-peptone combinations. The best plantlets were produced by 20% coconut water with 0.5 ppm NAA, 10% coconut water with 1 ppm NAA, and 20% coconut water with 6 g/l preteose-peptone.

                For young Dendrobium protocorms reflasked at 60 to 80 days after flasking, banana homogenate (150 g/l) with proteose-peptone (6 g/l), banana homogenate (150 g/l) with coconut water (20%) and NAA (0.8 ppm) gave the best plantlets. Banana homogenate with 0.5 ppm NAA or 5 ppm IBA also produced excellent results. Besides banana homogenate with 6 g/l peptone, supplement combinations without hormone which gave quite satisfactory results were 40% coconut water or 4 g/l proteose-peptone with banana homogenate (150 g/l). Six percent sucrose with 1 ppm NAA without nutrient supplements stimulated shoot height and number of leaves and produced desirable plantslets.

                Older Dendrobium ovule cultures (6 months old) responded to banana homogenate (150 g/l) with 10 ppm IBA. Six percent in basal Knudson C medium without any nutrient supplement slowly enhanced growth and development.

                Phalaenopsis ovules were successfully germinated on Knudson C medium with 3 g/l proteose-peptone, at least 4 months after pollination. Dendrobioum ovules harvested 100 days from pollination germinated best on Knudson C medium with 150 g/l banana homogenate and 0.5 to 1 ppm NAA. Knudson C medium with 1.5 g/l proteose-peptone was also satisfactory.