SEARCA in the News
A CENTRAL Luzon State University (CLSU) professor received a full grant from the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and The Head Foundation (THF) for the 2024 Leadership Development Program for Higher Education Institutions (LDP-HEI) program. Associate Professor Maria Adrielle Estigoy of the CLSU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Presidential Management Services director, was one of 10 selected grantees of a full grant from SEARCA and THF. From 11 Southeast Asian countries, 28 individuals participated in the program, which was composed of HEI presidents, vice presidents, deans, directors and heads. The program runs…
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5 win SEARCA's Yabong Bootcamp
23 May 2024
FIVE young individuals involved in agriculture received P50,000 each as seed money as part of a program of the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) to attract more youth to farming. Those who each received P50,000 in grant were Kristine Mae Baluzo, Mark Lee Babaran, Christian Paolo Magsino, Rochelle Lafrades and Robert Diala, who were among the 16 participants who presented their business improvement plans (BIPs) to a panel of judges. The grants were given under SEARCA's Young Agripreneurs Building Opportunities, Nurturing Growth (Yabong) Bootcamp, a three-month training program supported by East-West Seed Co…
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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SLEMAN -- Dalam mendukung langkah-langkah implementasi pembangunan berkelanjutan sebagaimana diterjemahkan dalam 17 SDGs, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) mengembangkan modul Post Micro-Credential on Food Security & Climate Change (PMC FSCC) mulai tahun 2024 ini. Sebagai anggota inti konsorsium Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources atau disingkat University Consortium (UC) bersama anggota perguruan tinggi lain dalam lingkup The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) kembali mendapatkan pendanaan dari ERASMUS+ untuk mengembangkan modul Post Micro-Credential on Food Security & Climate Change (PMC FSCC). Wakil Rektor Bidang Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Universitas…
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SOME 21 delegates from various universities in Southeast Asia joined the workshop on "Harmonizing University Policies in Postgraduate Micro-credentials" hosted by the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) at its office in Los Baños, Laguna on May 6 and 7, 2024. SEARCA Director Glenn Gregorio said the workshop is part of the activities of the Postgraduate Micro-credentials (PMC) in Food Security and Climate Change (FSCC) project, which is funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) program. The delegates came from the Institut Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), and…
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Letran students oriented on farming
16 May 2024
STUDENTS and faculty members of the Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba participated in the first run in the Philippines of the series titled "Sowing Seeds: Cultivating Youth's Future in Agriculture," a career orientation organized by the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA). SEARCA Director Glenn Gregorio said the career orientation on May 2, through the center's Partnerships Unit, was participated by 175 senior high school students who were accompanied by 10 faculty members of the Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba. The initiative is part of the SEARCA's Center's Young Forces…
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Storytelling as real communication
15 May 2024
The following link will take you to as real communication…
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Universitas Gadjah Mada memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk mendukung langkah-langkah implementasi pembangunan berkelanjutan sebagaimana diterjemahkan dalam 17 SDGs. Dalam memperkuat pendidikan berkualitas, implementasi SDGs diwujudkan melalui berbagai kanal strategis, diantaranya dengan konten pembelajaran daring terbuka berbasis Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) dan kredensial mikro. Baru-baru ini, UGM sebagai anggota inti konsorsium Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources atau disingkat University Consortium (UC) bersama anggota perguruan tinggi lain dalam lingkup The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) kembali mendapatkan pendanaan dari ERASMUS+ untuk mengembangkan modul Post Micro-Credential on Food…
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A JOINT program of the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and East-West Seed Philippines, the Young Agripreneurs Building Opportunities, Nurturing Growth (Yabong) Bootcamp closed on Thursday, May 9, 2024, with a pitching session, graduation and innovation fair at SEARCA in the University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna. SEARCA Director Glen Gregorio said 20 young farmers, selected out of 160 applicants from all over Luzon, joined the bootcamp to enhance their vegetable production and entrepreneurship expertise. Gregorio said almost half were women with their farms ranging from half-a-hectare to 12 hectares, they mastered…
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Jakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) memiliki komitmen untuk mendukung langkah-langkah implementasi pembangunan berkelanjutan sebagaimana diterjemahkan dalam 17 SDGs. Dalam memperkuat pendidikan berkualitas, implementasi SDGs diwujudkan melalui berbagai kanal strategis, salah satunya konten pembelajaran daring terbuka berbasis Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) dan kredensial mikro. Baru-baru ini, UGM sebagai anggota inti konsorsium Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources atau University Consortium (UC) bersama anggota perguruan tinggi lain dalam lingkup The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) kembali mendapatkan pendanaan dari ERASMUS+. Pendanaan ini untuk mengembangkan modul Post Graduate Micro-Credential…
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Young Luzon farmers complete Yabong Bootcamp
11 May 2024
The Young Agripreneurs Building Opportunities, Nurturing Growth (YABONG) Bootcamp, a collaborative effort by East-West Seed Philippines (EWPH) and the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), successfully concluded on May 9, 2024. The program culminated in a pitching session, graduation ceremony, and innovation fair held at SEARCA in Los Baños, Laguna. Twenty young and enthusiastic farmers from Luzon, nearly half of them women, participated in the bootcamp. Participants delved into practical farming techniques like seed management, understanding soil nutrients, and managing pests and diseases. They also gained valuable experience in cross-pollination, mulching, transplanting, trellising, pruning…
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